Monday, October 8, 2012
Pant! Pant! Pant! Pant!
At last that's over! No more ringcode posts ... for now. I might have a new more options later, but at least I've copied over what was over on the other copies of the ring homepage and can take a break from that part of the mind numbing tedium for a while. The rest of the mind numbing tedium awaits, and I'm afraid I was giving it short shrift.
We can't have that.
Gunnar's Ringlink / Raw Code / Native HTML Style / Ready to Cut and Paste
<!--START TABLE CUT HERE--><p><center><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE=2 COLOR="8e2323"><img src="donkey3.gif" alt="BMORG doesn't speak for us" Width=100 Height=100><br><br>This <a href="">Ringsurf</a> "<A HREF=";siteid=homepage">BMORG doesn't speak for us</A>" site belongs to (your name) <br><br><a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Previous Site </a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">List Sites</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Random Site</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Next Site</a> | <a href=";siteid=joining">Join This Ring</a><br></FONT></center></p><!--STOP TABLE CUT HERE-->
Click here to return to the previous page.
World of Webring Raw Code
There is no need to unrender this page. In fact, what you will get will be useless if you do so. Just print, cut and paste.
<p><center><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE=2
src="tent1.gif" alt="BMORG doesn't speak for us"><br>The blame
for this "<A
doesn't speak for us</A>" site goes to <a href="mailto:(your
e-mail address)">(your name)</a><br><br><a
href=";siteid=(your site id)">Previous</a>
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href=;siteid=(your site id)">Random
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Sites</a> | <a
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Ring</a><br><P>"No Thanks, BMORG" is a happy member of
the <a href="" target="_blank">World of Webring</a> family.</FONT>
</center></p> <!--STOP TABLE CUT HERE-->
Click here to return to the previous page, when you're done.
Unmodified Combined Code
Don't unrender this page. Just print, cut and paste.
<!--START TABLE CUT HERE--><p><center><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE=2 COLOR="8e2323"><img src="tent1.gif" alt="BMORG doesn't speak for us" align=left><img src="donkey3.gif" alt="BMORG doesn't speak for us" width=100 height=100 align=right><br><br>The blame for this "<A HREF=";siteid=homepage">BMORG doesn't speak for us</A>" site goes to (your name)<br><br> LOTR : <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Previous</a>
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href=";siteid=(your site id)">Random</a> | <a
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Sites</a> | <a
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Ring</a><br>Gunnar's Ringlink: <a
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This Ring</a><br><P>Our combined ring is a happy member of both the <a
href="">World of Webring</a> and <a
href="">Gunnar's Rinlink</a> families. </FONT></center></p><!--STOP TABLE CUT HERE-->
Click here to return to the previous page.
Dr. Cliff
Dr. Cliff was a dental student - probably is a dentist, by now - who wrote a piece called "Burning Man is Dead" which the Black Rock City local booster club didn't like one bit. We're fascinated by their attitude: "don't be negative, or we'll rip your throat out". Not that Burning Man invented this mentality. Our Heathen or Traditionalist friends will know what a "fluffy bunny" is, right now, as some of the rest of us can be sure because we've heard the stories, and Wiccans aren't exactly scarce at Burning Man. It's a sad comment on a subculture when it can't even come up with its own brand of stupidity.
In broad terms, Dr. Cliff writes about the dumbing down of Burning Man. He talks about the kind of people who, as he puts it, think that "if they get naked and fu**ed up, they're participating" (asterisks ours), deconstructs some of the manipulative rhetoric in "the Jack Rabbit speaks", and introduces us to some of the idiots who wrote back to him. We suspect that philosophically speaking, he would not see eye-to-eye with us, and we do take strong issue with at least one thing that he has said, but he does make a lot more sense than his detractors tend to.
Gunnar's Ringlink, Ringsurf Standard Style, Raw Code - Use As is, More or Less
DO NOT UNRENDER THIS PAGE. You'll get a mess on the screen if you do that. Just print the page to a file on your diskspace, and cut and paste. It's as simple as that.
--------------------- cut here ---------------------
<center> <P>[ <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Previous 5 Sites</a> | <a href=";siteid=rings">Return to Ring</a> | <a href=";id=your id;action=prev">Previous</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Next</a> ]</P>
<P>This <a href="">Gunnar's Ringlink</a> "<a href=";siteid=homepage">BMorg doesn't speak for us</a>" site is<BR>owned by <a href="mailto:your e-mail address">you or your group's name</a>.</P>
<P>[ <a href=";siteid=joining">Join Ring</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Next 5 Sites</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Random Site</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">List Sites</a> ]</P></center>
--------------------- cut here ---------------------and click here to return when you're done.
Combined Code
Don't unrender this. Just cut and paste, as is.
<!--START TABLE CUT HERE--><p><center><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE=2 COLOR="8e2323"><img src="tent1.gif" alt="BMORG doesn't speak for us" align=left> <table bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100" height="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align=right> <tr align="right" valign="bottom"> <td align="left"> <img src="donkey3.gif" alt="BMORG doesn't speak for us" width=100 height=100 align=right> </td></tr></table> <br><br>The blame for this "<A HREF=";siteid=homepage">BMORG doesn't speak for us</A>" site goes to (your name)<br><br> World of Webring : <a href=";siteid=(your id)">Previous</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your id)">Random</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your id)">List Sites</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your id)">Next</a> | <a href=";siteid=joining">Join This Ring</a><br>Gunnar's Ringlink: <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Previous</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Random</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">List Sites</a> | <a href=";siteid=(your site id)">Next</a> | <a href=";siteid=joining">Join This Ring</a><br><P>Our combined ring is a happy member of both the <a href="">World of Webring (</a> and <a href="">Gunnar's Ringlink</a> families. </FONT></center></p><!--STOP TABLE CUT HERE-->
Click here to return to the previous page.
Gunnar's Ringlink / Modified for Darker Backgrounds
There is another version of this navbar, which might be better suited for light backgrounds, because the background for the graphic is left in its natural state - transparent. It's not so good for pages with darker backgrounds because, as you'll see, light patches are left along the edge of the donkey that, while fading out of view against a lighter background, give the graphic a "dodgy" look against darker ones. Newbies are given the usual warnings ( 1 | 2 ).
![]() |
This Gunnar's Ringlink "BMORG doesn't speak for us" site belongs to (your name)
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Gunnar's Ringlink / Native HTML Version / Good for Light Backgrounds
For the newbies, the usual warnings ( 1 | 2 ) appearing in the earlier posts are worth reading. For everybody else, this is business as usual, I guess. Use your best judgement.

This Gunnar's Ringlink "BMORG doesn't speak for us" site belongs to (your name)
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World of Webring Code / Native HTML Style
If you'd prefer a simpler look, along the lines of what was typical of navbars before the Yahoo takeover (and before the coining of the word "navbar", I imagine) this might work for you, but if you're new to this, you'll still be well advised to read these warnings: 1 | 2. Those who've joined rings before can probably skip that part, as I spend a few paragraphs explaining some of the basics. It's nothing they won't have seen before.

The blame for this "BMORG doesn't speak for us" site goes to (your name)
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"BMORG doesn't speak for us" is a happy member of the World of Webring family.
Combined Code / Modified
Your concern with aesthetics is commendable, but you'll might still need to read a few warnings that I posted earlier ( 1 | 2 ), first, before you and paste anything - or maybe not, if you've done this sort of thing, before. If you're a newbie, take them to heart.
Not to be mean about it, but like almost everybody else, I've got a life outside of the Internet and it gives me a lot of stuff to do, so I expect the applicants to and members of this ring to do their part to keep this volunteer job of mine manageable.

![]() |
The blame for this "BMORG doesn't speak for us" site goes to (your name)
World of Webring : Previous | Random | List Sites | Next | Join This Ring
Gunnar's Ringlink: Previous | Random | List Sites | Next | Join This Ring
Our combined ring is a happy member of both the and families.
Note for those doing Cut and Paste
As you cut and paste the navbar from my blog page to your homepage, you might see one or both of these urls appearing in the code for your navbar - yes, that little box that lets people travel around the ring.
I entered the image urls in this form, because otherwise you would be left seeing some ugly red x's (exes? whatever the plural of the letter x is) where the images ought to be. I would recommend that you not leave those urls as is, but rather, that you trim off everything to the left of the slashes, replacing each with something much simpler:
.............. tent1.gif
.............. .... and
.............. donkey3.gif
respectively, being sure to copy and upload the ring graphics to the same directory on your site as the page which you're submitting to the ring. Or - you could put the graphic or graphics in a different directory, and then adjust the code so that the images still appear. This is not about control freaking, this is just friendly advice, married to a little common sense.
If you have a regular HTML website, there's no reason why you can't upload the ring graphic, so if you're going to ask me to give you some of my bandwidth, I'm going to say "no", because you don't need it. If, one the other hand, your page is a blog on some otherwise cool host like Deadjournal, which doesn't let free members host images on their accounts because the company is one really nice and helpful guy running a server at a loss out of his living room, then yes, I understand. There's a good reason why you want to borrow a little bandwidth, and having had the aggravating experience of dealing with free image hosting services, myself, I'm not going to ask you to go through that, yourself, just to be a pain in ... yeah. Just to be that guy.
That having been said, I have to tell you that there are risks involved in this approach. Not huge risks, nobody is going to die or be maimed in the horrible icon meltdown of 2013, there's just a real possibility of a nuisance. Google could, at any moment, without warning or reason, either delete the copies of the graphics I have hosted on Picasa, or redesign the system so that the old urls don't work any more. This would mean that you'd have to go back into the code, upload copies of the graphics (to be found on one of the other copies of the ring homepage), upload them elsewhere and then insert the url for the new location or locations, anyway. I'm guessing that I'm not the only person who hates doing a job, having it done, and then having to redo it all over again. That's not fun.
The suggestion, then, is just that - a suggestion. I don't want you to think that I'm going to be breathing your neck about little things that don't matter, that's not the kind of show I run. I'm just passing along a warning that comes out of hard won experience.
Combined Code / Good for Light Backgrounds
If you're going to cut and paste the navbar you see below, unrendering it and replacing items like "(your name)" and "(your site id)" with your own personal date, then you probably should read this note first. You should also know what you're doing. If you don't really understand why any of this works, then you should not be using this option. Cut and paste from one of the pages in which you see the code itself, ie. that gibberish that makes the sort of thing you see below appear on a page.
I'm patient with many things, but not with overconfidence. Know what it is that you can and can't do.

The blame for this "BMORG doesn't speak for us" site goes to (your name)
World of Webring : Previous | Random | List Sites | Next | Join This Ring
Gunnar's Ringlink: Previous | Random | List Sites | Next | Join This Ring
Our combined ring is a happy member of both the and families.
Gunnar's Ringlink (nee Ringsurf) Code / Old Version Based on Earlier Ringsurf Code
This Gunnar's Ringlink "BMorg doesn't speak for us" site is owned by (your name).
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What the (bleep!) is this?
I find the "pages" feature on Blogger unsatisfactory and untrustworthy - unsatisfactory, because we are only allowed to create 10 pages, which then can't be erased or replaced, and untrustworthy, because Google has a long history of deleting underused features, instead of doing what they can to find out how to make the features more appealing. It really doesn't pay to be the one guy who gives Google a chance, as far as these things go.
The posts on this blog will, in effect, be serving as static pages for my main blog - they are where I post the side notes, such as the ones in which I will give the various forms of the ring code, in the notes to the introductory post. The updating options you see linked to in the sidebar are for the main blog. There are no update notification options for this blog, itself, because creating them wouldn't make sense. Trying to read this blog, by itself, would be like trying to read the footnotes in a book without looking at the text. You'd just get pointlessly confused.